
 Lane County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)

Lane County COAD is Standing By


Lane COAD Awarded OHA Public Health Equity Grant: We are thrilled to announce an award of $155,000 to strengthen and expand the capabilities of the Lane County COAD network, leading to improved public health outcomes during disasters. The funding will allow us to staff a Coordinator position full-time to assist with outreach, MOU development, and membership training and support! We look forward to sharing more information with you after we attend a kick-off meeting with OHA on the 18th.

The OREM Resilience Hubs and Network Grant is now open for applications! Faith-Based groups are welcome to apply. Please click the link below to apply for the grant. The application closes on April 30.

What We Do 

The mission of Lane County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) is to bring together a broad array of community organizations to foster an effective response to the people of Lane County in times of disaster. The Lane County COAD strives to include organizations within their membership that provide emergency support as part of their mission. The COAD’s working relationships are achieved through the promotion of cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration of member organizations.


No member organization has all of the answers for the challenges communities face. Members treat each other as partners.


Members regularly share their capacities, accomplishments, and commitments.  The COAD maintains good channels for sharing information, listening carefully to each other, and dealing openly with concerns.


COAD members work together towards the goal of effective service to the community.  The COAD will equip members to be coordinated in times of disaster through planning and preparation.


COAD members dedicate themselves to working together. The COAD exists to coordinate member organizations’ activities in relation to emergency response.   
